Friday, July 27, 2007

A Request: to help me STAY alive

No seriously. This is not a joke. I have a HUGE favor to ask. I found out that I will have electricity in my one-roomed house and I can buy a little boom box. And I am DYING without music. Ha. So please--I beg of you--burn me CDs and mail them to me. I don't care if it's something you already know Iike, something you think I might like, or something you just listened to--I would appreciate every bit of it. So seriously--if you love me at all, start burning CDs and sending them to me. I will love you forever. I swear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

does the little boom box play mp3s burned onto CDs, or just regular tracks? this is the difference between 200 songs on one CD and 20 songs on one CD. I MISS YOU BAYTANEE!!!