Friday, July 27, 2007

Pardon my French (or, my first time teaching)

I figure I have to give you at least one story. so here it is: the first day we taught in practicum (oh--fyi I'm teaching English here), we had to do something random. So I taught them this camp song called Herman the Worm in which a worm eats his entire family. So I was explaining the story to them, and we got to the word worm, and I drew a picture, and they shouted out a Malagasy word. Now, I suspected it's meaning, but instead of clarifying or explaining, I paused awkwardly then moved on, leaving them to believe the song actually means Herman the Shit. Yes, the shit. Sixty Malagasy children can now sing a song in which a shit eats its dad. AWESOME. I know you now feel better about the world.


An American in Scotland: Fringe Blogger said...

B darling,

This is the funniest thing I have read all week!!!

You eat and shit, what happens when shit eats YOU!?!?!?

Makes perfect sense to me : )

Unknown said...


I will now think of Malaghase children and shit every time I sing my favorite camp song. Thanks.

Now I know what I've been missing all summer- You and your updates. I'm apparently unable to remember to check blogs, so its good that you now have to email! said...

Totally made my day. Wow.

jmaNeverDie said...

Okay, as your father I must protest your use of certain four-letter words: people at church want to read this! When I substitute more acceptable (to me) (four-letter) words it is funny thinking about those kids going home with, "Guess what that American lady taught us to sing!"